101. In complete contrast to the media stories and portrayal, MJ was not in any way frail or sickly or out of it. Nor was he a “puppet” that was being controlled. Nor did he seem in any way scared or unenthusiastic like he was being forced into things. (i.e. many people including people close to MJ and his family have LIED.) MJ was large and in charge. He was on top of every aspect of the production, directing people. He knew exactly what he wanted. He was happy, and playful, and energetic, and he still had the moves and the voice. He was incredible! And this was just rehearsals! (Remember how Karen Faye said on her facebook that she had to cut up his chicken because he was so weak? Um no!) There is NO way this man was on taking Propofol, period. Now could he have been on painkillers, possibly, I don’t know. but he sure as holy fuck wasn’t on Propofol.
102. Also in the movie: MJ had created a new video for Smooth Criminal. It was an old film from 1946 called “Gilda” in which MJ was put into the film in place of one of the other characters. The character MJ replaces in the film… in the story of the original movie, that character fakes his death. MJ edited part of the storyline. In the original storyline the man who faked his death gets killed, in the new MJ storyline, he escapes by jumping out a window.
103. Some fans are reporting that there is more than one version of the TII movie. In the credits some have sworn they saw: “Michael WANTED to thank…” and others have seen “Michael WANTS to thank…” There are also a few other discrepencies which lead many fans to believe there is more than one version of this film floating around.
104. Timor, one of the TII dancers is rehearsing like crazy for a project he won’t divulge. (Timor is the dancer that was interviewed and said “Michael LOVES LIFE” after MJ had supposedly died. Present tense and that sentence is just more than just the normal “talking about a dead guy in present tense.” The show host got a weird look on his face, noticed it and commented on it, Timor seemed uncomfortable and then quickly said something like MJ was in his heart or something.) Timor is also the one who soon after Mj’s death was on his Twitter talking about going to LA and something about a big step for mankind. I mean come on, he’s not landing on the moon, what could Timor be doing that is that important and earth shattering that the entire world is going to stand up and take notice of?
105. The dancers were contracted for 2 years even though the concerts were all supposed to happen within a 1 year time frame. Also, even after MJ died, the dancers and other cast and crew from the show still maintains their silence about much of what went on.
106. Despite continued claims that the movie wasn’t planned before MJ died, in the movie we see documentary style interviews filmed in the same high def the rehearsals are filmed in. Many of these documentary interviews are clearly happening AT THE TIME, before MJ passed. These aren’t people they got together to film this after he died. Why did they have that kind of footage if there was no movie planned?
107. There were also parts of the show that weren’t even done yet. Costumes not ready, sets not created, certain things that were supposed to be created (like films) for certain songs that weren’t done. When were they intending on doing all this? In London? A few days before opening night?
108. At the memorial, at the end, not only does it say: “I’m alive and I’m here forever” on the screen, but there is an image of MJ behind the camera in the Liberian Girl video. This is a video where the plot of the video is basically that michael jackson is directing this video unknown to everyone else until we see him at the end. Also, at the burial, the image of MJ on the program is from the Liberian Girl video.
109: Oddness about the LA Coroner: Craig Harvey. He is listed in IMDB.com as having worked on some film projects in the past. He also has a rather bizarre twitter page. Now he doesn’t have a “verified” twitter account, so he could be anyone. But what is interesting is… his first tweet came through on June 20th. So 5 days before MJ died, the coroner of LA decided just for the hell of it to start a Twitter account. Then his other posts are cryptic about MJ. How would a “fake craig harvey” know to start a twitter account five days before MJ died? And what would be the point anyway if he’s STILL only got 34 followers?
110. More about the dancers: In Timor’s Tweets, he mentions things about working with Nick and Misha (currently after MJ is dead.) What are the odds that Timor, Misha, and Nick all TII dancers are all going to be involved in a big project just a few weeks after the death of Michael Jackson together in LA? Also… remember they were under 2 year contracts with AEG. Because of the nature of the project it is very likely the contracts prohibited them from taking other projects during the terms of their contract so they would be open and free should the concerts extend past one year. So did AEG quickly revise the contracts after MJ died to free them up to do other work? (seems weird and unlikely.) How exactly did in just a few weeks, these people have time to mourn/deal with the loss of MJ and the tour they were so excited about, AND secure other contracts with other companies, for “something big” no less, while somehow skirting around the legalese of the contracts they were still under?
111. Despite reports to the contrary, on TII MJ is shown as being Lucid, on top of his game, energetic, excited, happy, etc. While it’s possible MJ could have had some bad days, he’s STILL in better shape than most Americans who even on their BEST days in their twenties can’t do much of what MJ was doing at 50 and supposedly frail and sick and drugged and on death’s door. (Yes, this is similar to an earlier comment on this list, but… some have tried to say “Well they had over a hundred hours of footage. They took the best footage and the rest is him sickly and frail and drugged and stuff. And MY point is… someone who is THAT sick and frail and drugged up, CANNOT do for even five minutes the stuff MJ was doing. I wonder if some people have even met frail, sickly and drugged up people before.)
112. Though I’ve wanted to avoid mentioning the family… one thing I want to say about the family and friend’s reactions and behaviors since the death. Fans have been out weeping in the streets and the family and friends show little emotion. If MJ had died a totally natural death then MAYBE I could accept these reactions, but with it being fairly obvious that if MJ died it was senseless and could have been prevented and people involved in the TII production helped kill him (through neglect and being greedy if for no other reason), it seems a little odd the behavior that has been displayed. Not only that but… if you were MJ’s family and you knew that his involvement in these concerts put so much stress and pressure on him, it led to his death, would you have the TII dancers at the Burial as ushers? Would you invite Kenny Ortega? Would you really? No offense to Kenny but the man, and the dancers are WAY too happy. We’re talking about possible murder or death by severe neglect. We’re talking about KO possibly having a hand in it by not getting MJ help and ignoring the signs. None of these reactions make sense in light of the “official story” we’ve been given. Also… why has Murray STILL not been arrested?
113. Ben Evanstead, the guy who took the “Last photo of MJ” (ambulance photo), in an interview available on Youtube he says some strange things talking about MJ and the photo that was taken. For one thing, he talks about how Michael was always going to the hospital and that maybe he was trying to get out of the concerts, that it’s always drama with Michael. And there WERE an awful lot of “sickly” photos of MJ leading up to the concert comeback announcement, which makes the TII movie defy logic. Also Ben is a fan of MJ’s, and there are many pictures floating around the internet of him and MJ getting their picture made together. Also, at the end of the clip (around 4:13) there is a slip up (thank you to: CantgetenoughMJ for bringing this to my attention) EXACT QUOTE: “Yes Chris, and the other people that were there that day and the other da… uh and uh are part of that agreement, are going to make a lot of money, absolutely.” And he looked somewhat uncomfortable. It seems that he’s implying there was more than one day when they were taking the “last photo of MJ” which can only be possible if MJ isn’t dead. (Unless MJ died on two different days.)
114. Arnie Klein in an interview on LKL (I skimmed the list to see if I already had this one, I guess it seemed too small at the time to mention but it’s becoming more important as more and more people seem to be lying and having weird slip-ups in interviews. This just makes me think anyone can hoax their death and get away with it since people will just IGNORE shit once they’ve made up their mind about the truth of an issue), said that MJ was the world’s greatest ACTOR. Um, sorry, that’s not what MJ is known for. Then he corrects his slip-up. But if MJ has been going to the hospital and acting sick and frail and then kicking ass in the TII movie… I’d say that’s some pretty fine acting.
115. This one comes from a commenter named Monroe: ‘This Is It’ actually contains another film from the Smooth Criminal portion. Bogart’s line “What do want me to do count to three like they do in the movies?” comes from a 1946 film ‘The Big Sleep’ where a detective played by Bogart is pulled into a whirlwind of blackmail, lies, double-crossing, and murder while trying to answer the question “What happened to Sean Regan?” And despite the man’s disappearance being the kick off for the events of the film the question is never fully answered. Sound familiar? Now of course the similarities to Michael Jackson’s disappearance/death on June 25th kicking off a twlightzone like scenario of lies, ever changing reports (in coma/DOA at UCLA, drugged/not drugged, healthy weight/anorexic) and just plain bizarre behavior could be a coincidence after all that is a cool quote, but no stone unturned right?
116. This one also comes from Monroe: Also the HollywoodTv footage of the ambulance leaving Carolwood drive and Starline tours video of supposedly the same event don’t match. In the Hollywood footage the guy records the ambulance backing out of the gates, tries to film the back windows, and then runs around to the side where the guy in the red shirt is taking pictures before running back to his car. In the Starline video we see a guy in black shorts run up to the back windows as the security guard tries to cover them and then he keeps standing there until the ambulance drives off and he runs back to his car. No one is seen running around to the side of the ambulance where the guy in the red shirt is.
Finally at the end of the Hollywood video the tour bus is shown driving up and stopping just in front of the fire engine. When the tourist in the bus is filming the bus is now slightly behind the fire engine. Presumably the bus backs up to let the ambulance out (and for some reason no one gets footage of this) but in the Hollywood film the bus is not only behind the fire engine, but looks like it’s parked behind a red car and a black car. Is it possible to maneuver a bus backwards that quickly in such a tight space and not hit anything?
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