1. The 911 call didn’t sound overly panicked and Michael Jackson was not mentioned by name. (It’s possible he didn’t mention the name because 911 might think it was a hoax and not respond.)
2. Some have stated the oldest son discovered the father, but later the Dr. claimed that the reason it took so long to call 911 is that he couldn’t find anyone to make the call. (wouldn’t the son be able to make the call, he is 12 after all.) It took 30 minutes to call 911. Hasn’t Dr. Murray ever heard of a cell phone? (this point gets addressed farther down this list.)
3. Dr. Conrad Murray, who is supposed to be a cardiologist was doing CPR on the bed. (It’s supposed to be done on a flat hard surface…floor. Murray claimed that it was done on the bed cause MJ was frail, but several people have contradicted the report of MJ being “frail.”)
4. TMZ, a tabloid media source was the FIRST to report MJ had died. They reported it before the coroner and before Jermaine Jackson made his public statement. (While we’re on the topic, isn’t that weird too? Is it normal for a family member to make a public statement instead of the doctor in charge?)
5. Though he was taken to the hospital and they tried to revive him for an hour, he was pronounced dead at UCLA. However, despite this, almost no one had any kind of comment regarding it. No official doctor’s statements, no nurses being interviewed, no second cousins of neighboring patients coming out to gawk and report what they saw or heard. The only comments reported was someone who worked there said something strange was going on with regards to MJ, and someone else claimed the fire alarm went off while MJ was there. (In the CNN transcripts they mention the fire alarms in passing.)
6. Dr. Conrad Murray refused to sign the death certificate. No physician at UCLA in charge would sign either. In fact no UCLA doctor has made any kind of statement confirming the death of Michael Jackson or even that he was on the premises.
7. Cause of death was listed as “deferred” until after the autopsy. The DC states that it is only valid if signed in purple ink. At the bottom it’s signed in BLUE ink. There are also many irregularities of the document which indicate it possibly isn’t legitimate.
8. The autopsy results have been held, pending a toxicology report, which was due but is now expected to be two more weeks. (at time of posting this). A total of 3 autopsies have been ordered. One official, one by the family who for some reason wanted their own autopsy performed, and a third reportedly requested by Joe Jackson, MJ’s father. (ETA: Later the autopsy and tox reports have been stated to be delayed “indefinitely.”)
9. There is, in existence a SINGLE photo of MJ dead (or dying.) Taken by a tabloid reporter through a DARK tinted window of the ambulance. No other photos of him got taken, no photos at the hospital, no photos anywhere. (ETA: Upon further research there appear to be three photos taken in close succession, but how was the photo so clear and not blurred? And why does MJ look so healthy, alive, and young? It looks like it could be a wax dummy from the Ghosts set.)
10. There were several security cameras at the mansion in LA where MJ collapsed, but there is missing time from them. No video footage of the events in question.
11. MJ’s personal physician Dr. Tohme claimed MJ had no heart problems, that he danced 4 hours a day and it was more likely that he (Dr. Tohme) would have a heart attack than MJ. (Dr. Tohme was mistakenly reported as MJ’s personal physician, turns out he was his business manager and this point about what he said or didn’t say and whether or not it’s accurate, cannot be confirmed.)
12. Though there have been several people who have come forward suddenly talking about MJ having a drug problem and them trying to have an intervention for him, many other credible sources have come forward to say the opposite, among them: Mark Lester, and Tom Meserau. Many people at the last rehearsal claimed he was energetic and on top of his game and in no way seemed sickly or drugged. Supposedly family members wanted to have an intervention in 2007. But in 2007 MJ was in Ireland or Bahrain, how would his family know he had a drug problem if he’s halfway across the world? (A commenter here states is was in the US, but I’m really not sure about that.) Further, Jermaine has claimed on Larry King that he was not aware of any kind of drug problem on MJ’s part. If the family was “staging an intervention” wouldn’t Jermaine have been made aware of the situation?
13. Why are we just now hearing about MJ’s drug problem now? While it is true he had an RX drug dependency in 1993 (because he admitted it in an interview), and he may have had problems with RX drugs at various points and even at the end, why… with all the freaking out about hyperbaric chambers, chimpanzees, plastic surgery etc, did no Tabloid reporter ever think to jump all over the “Wacko Jacko on Drugs” bandwagon?
14. Why are there contradictory stories about MJ’s health? Some have said he seemed frail and weak. He was underweight. He couldn’t possibly do 50 concerts. Others said he was vibrant, energetic, healthy, on top of his game. And these were all people who had seen him recently.
15. Is it convenient that AEG just happens to do all this footage, the day before he drops dead?
16. How does a man with a supposed long-term RX drug problem pass a 4-5 hour physical a few months prior to his death in order to have his concerts insured by Lloyd’s of London? That is something that would show up on a 4-5 hour physical. Either some insurance fraud is going on, or someone isn’t reporting the whole truth regarding MJ and drugs. Or he wasn’t on drugs.
17. Why did so many of MJ’s longterm friends not show up at the memorial at all, but those who ended up speaking and performing either never met MJ or hadn’t spoken to him in years? (Queen Latifah had never met him, Brooke Shields hadn’t spoken to him in years. Liz Taylor, Mac Culkin, Diana Ross, all declined showing up to name a few.)
18. While I don’t want to disrespect Liz Taylor, why would she mourn on Twitter only? She couldn’t go to the memorial, but she could tweet about it?
19. Dr. Conrad Murray fled the scene. He’s supposedly cooperating with investigators, but then he goes back to the bat cave and even tabloid reporters can’t seem to find him.
20. And just out of curiosity… why does it seem like only one picture of this doctor exists on the planet? Every article I see about him shows the same freaking picture. Now here is a test to try. Go to Google, click the link for “News” Then type: “Dr. Conrad Murray” in parenthesis. To the left there should be an archive. Archives generally go for YEARS, up to ten years or more. But there are only archives for 2009. Did he not exist before then? Whoops! now search his name in parenthesis under images… find me ONE image that isn’t the same exact one. In his entire life he only got his picture made that one time?
21. Dr. Murray has been described by some patients as a “holistic doctor” who didn’t like to prescribe medications, especially stronger medications like painkillers. If this is true, it’s unlikely MJ would have brought him on board if he was looking for an “enabling doctor.” And it’s unlikely Murray would have enabled him.
22. Up to a year ago all kinds of crazy tabloid stories were being leaked about MJ’s failing health and all kinds of crazy diseases he supposedly had.
23. He was visiting a medical center close by several times prior to his death.
24. A tabloid reporter predicted that MJ had six months to live, and six months later he died. (this is also the same time that the next thing in this list happened.)
25. Someone called a radio station and hoaxed MJ’s death several months ago. It was reported that the pop star had died, but later this report was retracted. (You can youtube search this. There is a video about it. The hoax even mentions a drug overdose.)
26. Several long-term and diehard MJ fans have expressed doubt that the person giving the O2 announcement at the London theatre was actually Michael Jackson. Many (including myself on this point) believe that it was an impersonator based on the way he walked (totally unlike MJ), the weird mannerisms and gestures and almost bragging manner (MJ was always humble with his fans, and everybody else, ALWAYS), and his accent is just OFF. This isn’t a matter of voice tone or pitch which alternated with him depending on how shy he was feeling, or if he needed to project his voice, this was ACCENT, totally wrong. Here is the video if you want to judge for yourself. Fast forward to about 4:32 if you want to skip past the advertisement to the MJ announcement. That is totally not MJ. His smile is also wrong.
ETA: I now think it’s possible that MJ was at the O2 but that he was acting weird, talking in a funny accent, and walking like 50 cent on purpose to create controversy. (i.e. he was punking us.)
27. Dr. Murray’s excuse (delivered in an interview through his attorney, since he vanished into the bat cave), for why he didn’t call 911 sooner is that there was no landline hooked up for some security reason or another. When asked why he didn’t use his cell phone, the attorney said that the doctor didn’t have Michael’s address. Oh really? His attending physician who was at his house didn’t know the address? Well here is a wacky concept: CELL PHONES HAVE GPS. They didn’t NEED him to know the address. Further, he could have just said: “It’s Michael Jackson.” I’m sure someone would have figured it out. It wasn’t like MJ didn’t live practically down the street from UCLA.
28. How could investigators rule out foul play before they had an autopsy or a tox screen? Isn’t that a little weird and presumptuous? Then they later said they weren’t ruling out homicide. Then they came back and said probably no one will be charged with anything… all of these statements BEFORE the toxicology report came back, which is what they are supposed to be waiting on before making any judgments in these matters.
29. If Dr. Murray is a cardiologist, and MJ is too weak to move off the bed, why wouldn’t he have had with him and used a defibrillator?
30. Supposedly MJ insisted on hiring Dr. Murray, a doctor who had treated his sick daughter once in 2006 and apparently the two became friends. MJ claimed he was comfortable with him and wanted AEG to hire him on for the tour. We have no way of knowing if MJ insisted on this doctor or not, since most people hadn’t met him and the people claiming this are AEG and Dr. Murray’s attorney, people who have a vested interest in MJ having a prior friendship with Murray to keep suspicion off them.
31. Cherilynn Lee went on CNN after MJ’s death to claim that MJ wanted an IV drip of Diprivan to sleep. She was a NUTRITIONIST. Why on EARTH would MJ go to a holistic nutritionist to ask for Diprivan? Or any other drug? She was let go previously. Why would he call someone he hadn’t talked to for 3 months to ask for this drug? If MJ had all these enabling doctors, WHY would he go to this woman he hadn’t spoken to in three months? Not only that, she claims in the interview that MJ didn’t want pills, he wanted an IV. However others have said MJ was afraid of needles. Why would he be chasing needle drugs? She claimed it was important to come out and set the record straight and she didn’t want her 15 minutes of fame. Um, okay. Which is what all former Jackson employees said right before their mouths started flapping bullshit. She also said he owed her money. So why would he call her if he owed her money? She claims in interviews that it’s “not the drugs they’re saying” (Demerol), but it’s Diprivan… on her say so. Well does she need to save the truth of MJ? I mean this is why we have the tox screen going on. It will reveal whatever drugs were going on. On the PLUS side, she portrays MJ as someone absolutely convinced it was safe and that his doctor said it was safe, which isn’t the behavior of a ‘drug addict’ but someone who trusted doctors who lied. (But I find even THAT kind of hard to believe considering MJ read and researched everything.)
32. Grace Rwaramba refuted claims that she’d said she “pumped MJ’s stomach” from the drugs. She never said this, but the stories circulated everywhere with her name on it soon after MJ’s death.
33. Dr. Conrad Murray after disappearing off the face of the planet where mysteriously even tabloid reporters can’t find him to snap a candid shot (despite supposedly him surfacing to cooperate with police), hires an attorney. Police repeatedly said Dr. Murray was NOT a suspect, just a witness. Why on earth does a man who is only a witness, hire an attorney? Why does he further have that attorney give interviews in his name and on his behalf, instead of doing interviews himself?
34. Even though they weren’t giving up on MJ yet (since they worked on him for an hour at the hospital), the ambulance that left his house had no sirens or lights. An ambulance in an emergency medical situation, always has sirens and lights.
35. During the memorial Kenny Ortega said MJ had been there dancing less than a week ago. But at the memorial MJ had been dead for two weeks. Now clearly this could be him misspeaking, but no stone unturned.
36. Dr. Murray was slated to accompany MJ to London, but he’s not licensed to practice medicine there.
37. The LAFD fire chief in an interview with a BBC reporter kept referring to MJ as “the patient” from the 911 call. He refused to name him because of “HIPPA” violations. Well by this time the ENTIRE WORLD knew it was Michael Jackson. There is no harm in him stating “Michael Jackson” but he repeated “the patient” over and over and said he couldn’t even confirm his identity because of HIPPA violations. WTFever. The woman interviewing him also repeatedly said something about them picking up Jackson from the place he was practicing instead of his rented home (which is the official story) and he never corrected her. (Later he did mention Michael Jackson by name in an interview with CNN. HIPPA laws extend into death, so why exactly is he breaking HIPPA now when he was so paranoid about it before?)
38. In interviews the entire family continues to refer to MJ in present tense. One of the most striking examples is La Toya rolling down her car window and saying something about how they all appreciate the fan support, and Michael does too. Oh does he? What an odd statement to make. Even Paris’ speech at the memorial, moving as it was, is in present tense. “I just wanted to say that ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best daddy you could possibly imagine. And I just want to say that I love him so much.” That’s all present tense. Paris isn’t lying. She also is probably genuinely emotional considering how she worries about her daddy.
39. AFTER many people, including a site getting a lot of media attention called Michael Jackson Hoax death, whines and complains for weeks about how there only seems to be one photograph of Dr. Murray and no video… only THEN does TMZ and a couple of other places conveniently start to show new photographs and even a video (which there is no way to tell is Dr. Murray at all.) Are they responding to our suspicions? Why are they just now all of a sudden producing a few extra photos and videos? Even so, why are papparazzi not camped out at this man’s house if they know the location? Why don’t get get more photographs and video of him? Does this seem very likely?
40. Diprivan is not a common drug for recreational drug use. It’s a rather bizarre drug to abuse. Nor is it a drug that makes you feel at all rested (as you dont’ get REM) It is a completely pointless drug for anyone with an “addiction” or “need for sleep” to take. Further, a story has been floating around about how MJ had an anasthesiologist on tour with him years ago. This makes NO sense given what is factually true about these drugs… namely that you CANNOT get rest. he wouldn’t have been able to perform. This sounds to me like another hyperbaric chamber or elephant man bones story. Also, people who take Diprivan long term develop amnesia and motor coordination problems. MJ researched everything,which is probably why he was so into organic foods. Why would he not research something more dangerous he was putting into his body? And why would he put it into his body if it could affect his ability to dance? How could MJ have done the tours where supposedly he was on Diprivan, if he didn’t get rest PLUS was going to have motor coordination problems? Has anyone SEEN MJ dance? It’s not like Ozzy jumping around on stage.
41. The LAPD didn’t mark the house off as a crime scene and the family was in and out of the house for FOUR days before the LAPD thought “hey maybe we’ve got a crime scene here.” It is said that the family took things out, but they just as easily could have planted things. (such as drugs and such that were later found.) If the family was taking a bunch of things out… why would they leave the drugs in? If they suspected foul play why would they compromise the crime scene?
42. Dr. Murray’s office and home were only RECENTLY raided, after a MONTH from the death. Shouldn’t that have been done sooner? Won’t all evidence be gone?
43. Supposedly files were removed from Dr. Murray’s office on the day of MJ’s death 3 hours before the hospital was called, which calls into question how long Dr. Murray waited to call the paramedics… but…
44. The picture in the ambulance doesn’t look like a long-dead MJ. It doesn’t even look like a dead MJ (he’s got a popping vein in his forehead. You don’t get that on a dead body.) In fact… the MJ in the ambulance doesn’t even look like MJ circa 2009, but rather like MJ circa 1995 which is another time when he had a collapse and was rushed to the doctor. Could the photograph be photoshopped with earlier images not used by the same tabloid reporter?
45. The tabloid reporter from TMZ who got the “last photo” of Michael Jackson, just happens to be a licensed EMT and wants to quit the paps and go to medical school. That photo sure would pay the way for that.
46. After the death Joe Jackson in an interview pimped his new record label and said the kids were doing “great.” A little odd, no? How would these kids be doing great? He also claimed Omer Bhatti was MJ’s son and that he knew MJ had a secret son. Omer Bhatti has denied he is MJ’s kid. Even though admitting to such a thing would help his music career. (Omer’s)
47. TMZ seems to be the first on the scene for EVERY story. They scoop all other major news outlets. Who is feeding them?
48. There are MANY conflicting reports about MJ’s death. He died in the bedroom, he died in the doctor’s room. Prince witnessed it, not one witnessed it. MJ was already dead when the paramedics got there, MJ was revived and was in a coma, MJ was “worked on” for over an hour, MJ’s body was warm (incidentally a medical fact about cardiac arrest is his body would have been cold), MJ’s body was cold, MJ looked peaceful like he was sleeping, MJ’s face had been battered by CPR (huh?), The casket was closed at the memorial because the face had been battered by CPR… but the kids saw him in the private memorial, he’s been cremated, no he hasn’t, the body is missing, the body hasn’t been released to the family yet, the body has been released, the body is in a secret location, and on and on and on and on. There is not ONE fact about MJ’s “death” that anyone can agree on. (And yes, at this point I”m putting “death” in parenthesis until any two people on the face of the planet can get their story straight.)
49. On July 6th, 2002 MJ gave a speech that was basically about bringing Sony and especially Tommy Mottolla down, who MJ described as an evil man, the devil, and a racist. (Mottolla reportedly did some scary shit to Mariah Carey his ex-wife.) The very NEXT DAY, July 7th, 2002 is the date of the will that has been brought up as MJ’s will. Clearly the man feared for his life then. Is there any reason to suspect that fear was unfounded or died away? He also believed Sony was in some way involved with the child molestation trial. After all, how could MJ defend his 50% stake in the Sony catalog if he was in prison? (People have claimed MJ was broke, but he made hundreds of millions of dollars a year from his holdings in the Sony catalog. How can he be broke or in debt?)
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