Some of those who think it was a hoax believe that Michael is playing the role of Dr. Murray, but I found some reports on Dr. Murray’s criminal past, showing how he has been sentenced to jail a couple times before but has never step a foot in a cell, maybe being a Mason has something to do with it, twice he got in trouble with the law for child support and once back in 1994 for domestic violence of which arrest is the next picture.
I guess Michael was murdered by a hired Dr. Mason who needed a clean record and has been regarded as a fake Mason by his brethren once the news of his allegiance to the cult were known.
The Purpose of ¨This is It¨
The theory of Michael´s death preceding the fake second coming of Jesus is also supported by the movie ¨This is It¨ as well as the theory of this whole thing being a Hoax. Many people believe that Michael was going to warn all the people of the world if possible during the tour, about all that the Illuminati has planned for the world for the next 3 years, some others believe that he is still on it, with the hoax, but either way, the movie showed supposedly what the tour was going to be like and the songs he was going to perform in its respective order, just this information alone says a lot. I will focused on the last few songs, since those would represent the year 2012, but watch the next video and see how ¨TheTruthAboutMJJ¨ brakes it down very nicely as evidence supporting the hoax.
I´ll start on the song thriller which could be related to the chapter in the Bible speaking of the pit of hell opening at some point, which would let all evil spirits out to posses whatever they can.
Then after thriller, by the end, you can see a spider coming on stage, which other than the meanings given by the maker of the video also means a Star Gate, because of its eight legs, which represents the octagon, this would mean then than Michael or Fake Jesus would be entering this dimension right after something very ugly is happening in the world, when the star gate is opened and Michael(Jesus) appears with open arms as Christ on the cross being revealed out of the spider(star gate), then thriller suddenly changes to a somewhat angelical choir, like most would imagine the coming of Jesus being, seeming to bring peace, yet once again not long after the new appearance he begins performing the most symbolical song of all, to support basically all theories, because of its content and the timing in which he decided to perform it along the show.
Michael Jackson
Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction
A monster had arrived in the village (Monster=Beast & Village=World)
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person or thing is soon to be met (could it be the beast and its image?)
He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion (¨The Architect of the Universe¨?)
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster.
You’re fearing me, ‘cause you know I’m a beast
Watching you when you sleep, when you’re in bed
I’m underneath
You’re trapped in halls, and my face is the walls
I’m the floor when you fall, and when you scream it’s ‘cause of me
I’m the living dead, the dark thoughts in your head (Where do the dark thoughts come from?)
I heard just what you said
That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me
You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt
I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you (Lucifer is not in hell yet, that is Samael)
Your worst nightmare, it’s me, I’m everywhere (The god of this world)
In one blink I’ll disappear, and then I’ll come back to haunt you (The Fake rapture?)
I’m telling you, when you lie under a tomb (He who was, is not but will be)
I’m the one watching you (The all seeing eye?)
That’s why you got to be threatened by me
The unknown monster is about to embark
From a far corner, out of the dark
A nightmare, that’s the case
Never Neverland, that’s the place (the opposite of eternity in the Kingdom of Yahweh)
This particular monster can read minds (from a higher dimension, hence the need of a star gate)
Be in two places at the same time (same as above, lol)
This is judgment night, execution, slaughter
The devil, ghosts, this monster is torture
You can be sure of one thing, that’s fate
A human presence that you feel is strange
A monster that you can see disappear
A monster, the worst thing to fear.
What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
It isn’t. It’s the beginning. (Right after the fake coming of Jesus everyone will believe the nightmare is over but it will be actually just starting and lasting for the next 3 and half years)
This is how the end is gonna unfold
Very clearly he states this is how the end is gonna unfold, I don´t think this could be clearer, now if you are thinking that is too far-fetched given the fact that the song was written so long ago, remember that the Illuminati has their plans laid out decades in advance, since at the end it is not their plan but that of the god they serve, Lucifer. Then also, keep in mind the articles on all the artist who sold their souls to the Devil literally, to receive all the fame and power, remember that Michael was the most famous guy in the world, in the same art as the rest of artist who sold their souls, music, this could mean that maybe since he was taking into the music industry as a little kid, pure in mind, the devil was able to make almost complete use of him, turning him into what he became, channeling his songs from the spirit named lee he claimed to have in his house living in the room of mirrors who would speak to him. I believe he realized what was going on with him and in his whole life and started doing his own research into the occult must likely and several religions and saw his bosses, the Illuminati, for what they really are, devils controlling him from inside and out, so then he turn against it and was murdered because of his knowledge on what the powers that be have in mind since he had been under their wing ever since he could remember, so I believe at the end he got his soul back by the mercy of the Most High since he might have never given it consciously in the first place which it would be when it actually counts, cause you are not guilty of a sin unless you know is a sin or in other words unless you know what you are doing and Michael being just a kid, that lifestyle is all he knew, but thankfully it seems, like I said before, that by the mercy of the Most High he opened his eyes before disappearing.
Did Michael Jackson fake his death, which would be the unknown mentioned in the intro, or is the unknown he is talking about the spirit world, which the world is blind to and will be dramatically open to right after 2012. Maybe he faked his death to escape the harassment of the FBI for 14 years or maybe instead the FBI decided that the best shot would be to get rid of him.
At the end, you can see what Michael Jackson showed by the end of the movie ¨This is It¨ in which he was playing a character from an old movie called ¨Gilda¨ who fakes his death to get vengeance at the end, by surprising the woman giving the name to the movie, representing those who fell for the hoax or maybe the whore ¨Babylon¨.
So my conclusion is that I have no conclusive conclusion, but these next three options which I leave here for everybody to think about and comment right below:
1. They killed him a while back before July 25th 2009 and the Illuminati is doing the whole hoax thing to keep ALL the fans still focused on him and every detail around his possible death while they use it to further their plans of world control.
2. Michael Jackson is doing the hoax, with the media and everybody involved, as the greatest stunt ever to be pulled by the greatest performer, his last job, like said before, taking fiction to reality, bringing the whole world into his movie, his final act.
3. He is pulling the Hoax and is planning something against the Illuminati to expose them, which is what most people who believe he is death, think he was going to do at the tour.
Either way I know he is fine wherever he may be at.
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